Dec 6, 2009

DRAG R32 from Endless 800hp+ JDM Street Legal Skyline R32 GT-R

Today I have a special find for you!

Skyline R32 GT-R built and tuned by 

Endless 800hp 


    Every day we see nice looking cars on forums, sites, computer games, magazines, live and of course tv. If you were to ask yourself whether you can afford one of the nicest cars in the world? Then read up below, you'll be surprised!

   If you are in your mid twenties to mid thirty five -ish and you have a house and a good paying job, You, also, are in a position to spend a few bucks on a new/old hobby. Hmmm... Hobby! Upgrade! 

   Having a monster like this Endless R32 Skyline GT-R is a great responsibility. It is very important to keep it prestine as it is! Upgrading a few things and prospect on more carbon fiber, since its got some mad power already. 

Would you have enough balls to drive a monster like this at 800hp? 


You think 800hp is surely doable, don't you? Now, lets apply the fundamentals of all economic models: to maximize our enjoyment utils we must assume that in our 800hp Endless Skyline model there are NO COPS on the city streets.

Or try this one: I have so much power and I can outrun 5 0. 

Actually... If you think about it:: 800hp, AWD, Magical sequential transmission :), water melon sized turbo, and 0-400 in 9 seconds.  


Would own a crazy 800hp machine?

I know I would, TOTALLY would! This would be the most thrill you could get out of your life at that point. Sorry but no spec on this unit, however if you are grease monkey you'll know the approximate value of this machine.

 P.S. I got a boner from this skyline, no be hatin' now.


One of the most orgasmic interiors I've ever seen. Just perfect!

Here you can suite yourself to some modest amount of cargo space.

This gauge setup alone makes up this beautiful car.



 You can actually buy this sport super car! It would set you off 35-45 grand! 




And someone lucky in Canada owns this unit!

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